Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants – The Basics

Landlords and Tenants


The responsibilities of both tenant and landlord are likely to be detailed within the tenancy agreement, although some conditions may vary from one property and landlord to the next. Here is a general guide of what is expected of each party in terms of your rights and obligations, whether you’re a landlord or tenant.

You should seek the advice of a solicitor if you’re in any doubt about your legal position when either letting or renting a property. You can find a solicitor right here and now.

Tenant responsibilities:

  • To pay the agreed rent in full and on time
  • To make sure no damage is caused to the property or its contents, whether by yourself or members of the household or visitors
  • To consult your landlord about making any alterations to the property, requesting written permission
  • To report any damage or need for repairs to the landlord
  • Not to cause disturbance, nuisance or annoyance to neighbours
  • To provide the landlord with access to the property for the purpose of inspection, or to carry out repairs, as long as sufficient notice has been provided.
  • To obtain written permission from your landlord if you want to sub-let where this is provided for in the agreement.
  • To give the agreed amount of notice to your landlord if you wish to terminate the agreement and leave the property
  • Not to leave the property unoccupied for longer than 14 days without informing the landlord or managing agent, if this is provided for in the agreement.

Tenant rights:

  • To know and be aware of the full terms of the tenancy agreement
  • To know the name and address of the landlord
  • To reside in a property that is in adequate condition for rental purposes, free from defects.
  • To receive reasonably prompt repairs and maintenance to damaged items
  • To live in safe accommodation, with all equipment and electrical systems meeting the required safety standards
  • To have peaceable and quiet enjoyment of the property, free from demands for access without prior notification, or interference with utilities or other supplies to the property.
  • To be issued a receipt for every rent paid.
  • A reasonable (statutory) period of notice if the landlord wants to terminate the tenancy.
  • Where applicable, to have the security deposit returned within a reasonable period of time (within 30 days) subject to the necessary checks on the property and up-to-date rental payments.

Landlord responsibilities:

  • To allow tenants to reside in the property without disturbance.
  • To make reasonably prompt repairs and undertake maintenance to the property if required
  • To maintain the structure and exterior of the property, hot water installations and water supply, electrical wiring, basins, baths, sinks and toilets, etc.
  • To ensure the building complies with building regulations.
  • To make sure all electrical equipment is safe to use.
  • To provide and maintain fire alarms, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, fire escapes and smoke or heat alarms and every other safety measure.

Landlord rights:

  • To repossess the property if the rent remains unpaid for within a reasonable time after becoming due, where the tenant breaches the terms of the tenancy or becomes bankrupt or enters into an arrangement with creditors.
  • To dispose of any property left at the premises unclaimed within a specified period of time.
  • If the tenancy contains termination clause, either the landlord or the tenant can exercise this with required notice.
  • To enter the property after providing the tenant with reasonable notice of doing so (usually 7 days)
  • To seek possession of the property if the tenant has damaged it.
  • To collect overdue rent payments from the tenant.

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